Frameline40 Panel: Trans Stories: On Film and Online - Moderated by Sam Berliner
As part of a special initiative supported by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Frameline: San Francisco International...

Translations Film Festival 2016 Sneak Peek Interview
Interview with Festival Director Sam Berliner (Translations: Seattle Transgender Film Festival) March 5, 2016 festreviews Festival...

FLOAT Interview at BFI Flare 2016: London LGBT Film Festival
A four-minute experimental short film shot completely underwater of trans and genderqueer folks swimming naked set to music by trans...
Successful REAL BOY Kickstarter!
REAL BOY, the upcoming feature documentary film directed by Shaleece Haas and associate produced by Sam Berliner, is thrilled to announce...

FLOAT Special Screening in Stockholm & Media Coverage
Sam traveled to Stockholm, Sweden for a special collaborative, experimental screening of FLOAT in the Cinema Queer film festival in...

Watch the full video here: http://www.svt.se/edit/tv/sam-berliner-om-float-ett-utopiskt-utrymme/ The short film Float is filmed...

Queer Film: The Wetter The Better? Radio Sweden
Is water really more popular in queer film? This is a still from "FLOAT", a short underwater film with trans folks swimming naked set to...

Photo: Outlaws Photoproject Sam Berliner is a California-based filmmaker and animator who’s short film Float is set to be one of the...

Sam Interviewed for Acts of Greatness
You can check out the interview on their website here: http://actsofgreatness.org/blog/aog-profiles-sam-berliner-filmmaker-photographer-a...
FLOAT World Premiere & Successful Kickstarter!
FLOAT, a four-minute experimental short film shot completely underwater of trans and genderqueer folks swimming naked set to music by...