Sam Interviewed about DATING SUCKS for SF Transgender Film Festival
Filmmaker Spotlight: Sam Berliner SFTFF: What is the name of your film? SB: Dating Sucks: A Genderqueer Misadventure SFTFF: What was the...
Sam Collaborates on Filmmaker Toolkit for Frameline
FILMMAKER TOOLKIT: A Guide to Getting Your Indie to LGBTQ Audiences The fast-paced, quickly changing world of film promotion and...
Sam Participates in Pride of the Ocean
Where are they now? Posted by John Scagliotti on April 28, 2013 Pride of the Ocean Alumni Other alums are making waves all over the...
Sam Hired as Festival Director for Translations Film Festival
Meet Sam Berliner, Translations Festival Director POSTED ON APR 16, 2013 BY KEITH Among many highlights coming this year to Translations:...
Sam Interviewed for Smith 2005 Alumae Newsletter
“Filmmaking is my way of learning about the world.” (Sam Berliner, Filmmaker) Interview by Sarah Winawer-Wetzel, class secretary. Name:...
Sam Interviewed about GENDERBUSTERS for Bodies of Work Magazine
INTERVIEW WITH FILMMAKER SAM BERLINER Morty: When did you first realize you wanted to become a filmmaker? Sam: I was taking a Music in...
Sam Interviewed about GENDERBUSTERS for In The Queer And Now
12.05.2010 In The Queer And Now w/Genderbusters Director Sam Berliner And now, a word from our editor: In an effort to steer BelowTheBelt...